Epistar Tradition Francaise

Epistar Tradition Française is a pure flour made from specifically selected wheat varieties. Very suitable for preparing authentic French products.


In France, Tradition Française may be used if certain conditions are met. Basically, it comes down to keeping the flour and the finished products as pure as possible. To achieve this, the addition of a levain (liquid sourdough) or poolish is necessary. The end products obtain the most pronounced flavour and aroma and the best authentic, rustic character. Authentic French bread assortment.

In France, 'Tradition Française' may be used if certain conditions are met. What it really comes down to is that the flour and the end products remain as pure as possible. To achieve this, the addition of a 'levain' (liquid sourdough) or poolish is necessary. In this way, the end products obtain the most pronounced taste and aroma, and the best authentic, rustic character.

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